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How To Use This Study

For those of you familiar with our past research, you know that our Studies in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010 and 2013 focused on the AmLaw 100 firms. Taking a disciplined and rigorous look at then 60+ attributes of EACH of 100 law firms was a herculean effort, but we were committed to do it in our first five Studies. For the 2016 and 2019 Studies, we went “global,” as that word defines the reach of most of the world’s largest law firms.

In 2016, we analyzed 70 different attributes of the AmLaw Global 50 and in 2019, we analyzed 71 for each website.

Our Objectives In Commissioning This Research

  • Give website teams an unemotional, foundational basis for analyzing their current sites.
  • Provide marketing/business development teams and lawyers objective data to help them justify planning time, expense and any against-the-common grain- recommendations.
  • Establish standards for website project managers so they can hold their design/ development teams accountable.
  • Offer professional services firms a framework for measurable improvement in design, interactivity and engagement, site search, content writing, creating an intuitive visitor experience and otherwise satisfying what sophisticated buyers of legal services want in law firm websites.

How To Use This Data With Firm Leaders?

Beyond the enhancement of specific features and functionality that are expected today, with this data, global – and national, regional or local – law firms now have:

  • Access to data on how to create a better and more satisfying experience for your visitors.
  • A snapshot of how leading law firms are doing and an understanding of how your firm can better compete.
  • A practical road-map to view your website more strategically and to plan your website investments more thoughtfully.

Following the guidelines within the Ten Foundational Best Practices, visitors to your website will:

  • Have more fun engaging with your strategy and content.
  • Quickly find actionable information they want and need.
  • Easily see comparative differences in strategy, scope, reach, and strengths between your firm and its competitors.
  • Have a desire to return to your site to find out more.
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Request an Audit

Clients, prospects and referral sources are judging you based on their visit to your website. Don't take chances and don't waste their time by settling for a poor experience. With our Ten Foundational Best Practices Audit, you will find out how well your site is performing and receive a specific roadmap for immediate improvement. Inquire today!

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Your firm website is the most visible and accessible picture of your law firm and how you do business. Since 2005, we have been passionate about helping firm leaders elevate their reputations and relationships by ensuring they are telling the right story and truly connecting with the people who matter most: clients, colleagues, referral sources, future employees. Let us help you tell your story.

Deborah McMurray

Deborah McMurray

CEO + Strategy Architect