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Restructure your Website Content the “Anatomy 101” Way

The reason that creating today’s law firm practice and industry content is so hard, painful, impossible, exasperating, dreadful, intolerable and paralyzing is that the marketers start with the lawyers as their source. It seems logical – in fact, it is logical. But with rare exceptions, it’s not working. Many lawyers don’t know what to say and how to say it so that a reader will stop in their tracks – most lawyers don’t know how to turn heads. They have no framework to help us create something that is compelling for today's website, a winning proposal or a video that is designed to inform, activate and inspire.

To illustrate how you can re-frame and restructure your content so that it gets enough attention to actually be consumed, we have created this infographic.

Marketers, it's a tall order for firms with a minimum of ten and upwards of 75 practice/industry pages - but, it's up to you to either hire experienced writers or write the first drafts yourself. Using "Anatomy 101" as your guide, you can ask the right questions of your professionals that will elicit the right responses. Put yourself in your target prospect's shoes - what will they actually stop to scan or read? Then write that.

If your website analytics prove that a paltry few visitors are viewing your practice and industry page content, take a critical look and create a new plan to tackle it. The analytics that we track show that the average traffic to these pages is two to six percent of visitors. Ouch. There is much work to be done! If you're tired of these pages on your website not performing, connect with me and contact me via LinkedIn.

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Clients, prospects and referral sources are judging you based on their visit to your website. Don't take chances and don't waste their time by settling for a poor experience. With our Ten Foundational Best Practices Audit, you will find out how well your site is performing and receive a specific roadmap for immediate improvement. Inquire today!

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Your firm website is the most visible and accessible picture of your law firm and how you do business. Since 2005, we have been passionate about helping firm leaders elevate their reputations and relationships by ensuring they are telling the right story and truly connecting with the people who matter most: clients, colleagues, referral sources, future employees. Let us help you tell your story.

Deborah McMurray

Deborah McMurray

CEO + Strategy Architect