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How Hard is your Website Working for your Firm? Results, Best Practices and Tips for Improving your 3Rs

Deborah McMurray recently presented Content Pilot’s landmark research to Lawyers Associated Worldwide, an international network for law firms that offers expertise from over 100 member firms representing more than 4,000 individual lawyers around the world.

Program Description

Curious about what the adult version of the "3Rs" are? Relationships – Reputation – Revenue, and your website should be facilitating all three. Deborah offered highlights and trends from Content Pilot’s latest Study of the AmLaw Global 50 websites based on Ten Foundational Best Practices. These international lawyers learned where the largest law firms in the world excelled and where they failed – and where most global law firms of all sizes are falling short.

They walked away with a roadmap that they can use to immediately improve the power and impact of their bios (to make themselves more relevant and attractive short-list candidates), practice and industry pages, ensure that they are not discriminating against visitors with disabilities or getting caught in an unconscious-bias trap. Deborah also shared fascinating Google Analytics data from ten websites Content Pilot tracks, which spotlight website visitors’ behavior pre-COVID19 and during-COVID19. (Hint: this highlights the influence of social media.)

Learn More About the Ten Foundational Best Practices

If you want to dig into the Ten Foundational Best Practices so you can improve your law firm website, register for your free copy of the White Paper.

Schedule a Presentation for Your Law Firm or Group

Are you interested in having one of our team members present the results to your team? Contact Keith N. Wewe or Deborah McMurray for booking information.

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Request an Audit

Clients, prospects and referral sources are judging you based on their visit to your website. Don't take chances and don't waste their time by settling for a poor experience. With our Ten Foundational Best Practices Audit, you will find out how well your site is performing and receive a specific roadmap for immediate improvement. Inquire today!

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Your firm website is the most visible and accessible picture of your law firm and how you do business. Since 2005, we have been passionate about helping firm leaders elevate their reputations and relationships by ensuring they are telling the right story and truly connecting with the people who matter most: clients, colleagues, referral sources, future employees. Let us help you tell your story.

Deborah McMurray

Deborah McMurray

CEO + Strategy Architect